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Plants / Specialty / Poinsettia


The Poinsettia, renowned as a festive houseplant, brings vibrant bursts of red, pink, or white to holiday decor. Originating from Mexico, it symbolizes joy and celebration. Thriving in well-lit indoor spaces, it adds a festive touch during the holiday season. With proper care, this iconic plant becomes a cheerful and enduring symbol of seasonal warmth, making it a cherished choice for indoor festivities.

Plant Care Guide

Bright Indirect Light


Poinsettias enjoy a location near a sunny window that receives six to eight hours of diffused light per day. Too much sunlight can burn the plants, but they can survive with less light per day, keep in mind that they won't be as vigorous or live as long.

Frequent Watering


Hydrate your poinsettia when the topsoil feels dry. Water thoroughly until it drains through the pot's bottom, ensuring the plant doesn't sit in excess water. If the pot is wrapped in decorative foil, puncture holes for proper drainage. Avoid overwatering, a common cause of poinsettia decline, indicated by wilting leaves and root rot.



When you repot your poinsettias, use a peat based potting soil. Do not fertilize poinsettias during their blooming period. Fertilize at half strength every three to four weeks in the springtime when there is no growth.

Average Humidity


To take advantage of your poinsettia's bloom for as long as possible, maintain daytime temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. A slight nightly temperature drop is acceptable. However, avoid cold drafts, contact with chilly windows, or insufficient light, as these may lead to leaf damage, premature yellowing, and leaf drop. In dry seasons, particularly winter, low humidity is a challenge; remedy this by using a small humidifier to enhance the surrounding moisture for your poinsettia.

Toxic to pets

Additional Notes

Poinsettias can rebloom! It is just not easy to encourage the plant to do so.